After a quick continental breakfast (we were too late for the one at the reunion) we headed to campus. The kids enjoyed the face-painting and temporary tattoos at the "kids tailgater," but were a bit suspicious of the clowns! We showed them around, and spent most of the day at our "class tailgater" -- a big tent with a bar and food where we could hang out and connect with classmates. The food was good, and we saw most of the people we wanted to see. The kids went to "camp" in the afternoon while we went to the football game. Stanford even won, by one point at the very end of the 4th quarter! A fun day, all in all.

On our way out of the bay area on Sunday morning we ate at the Country Way in Fremont. This is a few blocks from where one of my sisters lived for many years. We found it one time when we were visiting them, and have made it a tradition when we go to the bay area. I think I'm going to have to insist that we go to the Su Hong Sunday brunch sometimes though; we always used to enjoy that!
The drive home was noisy but uneventful. My ILs were unexpectedly staying with us on Sunday night, so our poor kids didn't get to bed early.